Sustainable Planning Act; Sustainable Planning Regulation; Planning Scheme;

Census – A Key Tool for Town Planners

Census – A Key Tool for Town Planners

With the Australian Census recently completed, this blog explores how census information is useful to, and indeed necessary for good town planning.

The Australian Census is an important tool for a wide array of users, for a variety of reasons and census results provide an essential source of information to prepare forward planning strategies. This ensures forward planning strategies accommodate developing trends. Town Planning by nature is a dynamic process that should continually seek to identify and address issues and objectives based on reliable data. That way, appropriate responses can be made and reviews conducted to assess how successful the strategies were at achieving their goal. Perpetual repetition of this process should result in continual improvement in planning policy to meet the needs of the future population. The strategies and even the objectives may need to be adjusted to accommodate the changing nature of the area to achieve the best planning outcomes for the community.

Without the availability of census information, early identification of trends would not be possible and the planning instrument might otherwise just be an arbitrary, theoretical document that is likely to be ineffective.

Read on if you would like to know why the census is a key tool for town planners.